first of all, I will define " the hawkers".
(1) Who are the hawkers?
The hawker or the street vendor is someone who sells goods informally in public places with out any controls, or he is the trader who doesn't have a shop and he doesn't pay rent or taxes…etc.
(2) What do they sell?
Every hawker has different goods, and it dependent on country where it is sold on it, but we will talk about Egypt :
1- The most popular vendors’ street in Egypt are jasmine sellers, but their number became small now, they was standing on front of gates Of Universities to sell these flowers to lovers from youth and girls.
2- Food vendors : this kind of people sells sandwiches ( liver, kidney, meats, sea food, kushary,beans, taamyyaa, chips, aubergine, salad, pepper,eggs, ....etc).
3- Accessories vendors : they sells kitchen tools, mobile and computer accessories,...etc.
4- Fruits and vegetable sellers : they often sell all kinds of vegetable and fruits.
5- Ice cream cart .
6- clothes seller : they sell baby's clothes, T-shirts, and shoes.
7- Kids toys.
8- Nuts and seeds vendors.
9- ?????????
(2-2) THEIR RISK ON US !!!
Every kind from these hawkers has a negative impact on the beauty and cleanliness of the environment, and human's health...etc
(2-3) What do you think of this photo?
I think, he will collect and sell them again!!!
(3) How do they sell their goods?
The hawker sells things,items and goods at the streets using his/her voice and he follows the people on the streets,cars, metro...etc.
And he/she may annoys the people especially the foreigners.
(4) Why do they do this?
Some of the unemployed do this job by force because of his financial status,they don't have any job,it doesn't need a lot of money, and they want to feed them selves and their families.
(5) What are kinds of Hawkers?
There is many kinds of hawkers more than one :
* Some of them take a place where he/she comes in it every day, these place may be two sides of the main streets, parks, metro stations, train stations, public squares and public places which contain much people.
* And there are other kinds of vendors walk throw the roads,the transportation,tourist areas, even on our doors at homes.
* But there is a kind just makes services to others to get money.
(6) Does Egypt alone suffers from Hawkers ?
No, Hawkers are found in many countries and some of these countries forbid this phenomenon.
(7) What are the disadvantages of Hawkers?
* They ruin the environment beauty, addition to the difficulty of imposing health controls.
* They don't give any importance to the cleanness, tidiness or beauty.
* The presence of these vendors on the streets, a negative impact on the beauty and cleanliness of the environment,because of their ugly clothes, and also they are in abundance in the streets, causing overcrowding, frequent clashes between them, in addition to their own waste which they leave behind them.* And their voices may annoy some people or may start fight between them.
( 8) Are they offenders or victims? - was written by ; S. Ashraf-
It's an important question because we don't want to be unfair we know that a large number of them hold graduate qualifications and medium, but the main reason is the unemployment .
(9) What is your opinion about Hawkers?
Every kind has an effect on this issue but the most dangerous kind of street vendors in my view are food vendors in the streets,
(10) What is government's role to face this issue? - was written by : S. Ashraf-
we need to deal with this problem and put some laws to prevent this problem, at the same time protect the rights of these people, and provides them with a job.
NOTICE : Will be some adjustments & some photos didn't take in Egypt.
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